
Take Learning to the Kitchen

Celery sticks filled with cream cheese and topped with pomegranate seeds on a blue decorative plate.

It’s been a long week. Brains are fried, and all eyes could use a break from screens. Mix up the monotony and spend some quality time that doesn’t involve stressing over homework or the next conference call.

Here are five recipes we love to make with kids’ help. Assemble pomegranate “ants” for counting practice, hide treats in cake pops to work on fine motor skills and even let new readers practice reading the recipe out loud! Not only do these turn into tasty treats without any processed sugar, but they allow kids to use their brains differently than simply sitting at a desk. They’ll welcome the change in scenery, and moms and dads will welcome the 100% real snacking, courtesy of Nate’s honey.

Relentless Quality.
Ridiculously Good Taste.
Confidently, the Most Trusted Honey.