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Surprise-on-the-Inside “Cake” Pops

Cake pops with white frosting and pink sprinkles on a plate with love, written on it.
These "cake" pops taste so good that you and your loved ones won't believe these little cuties are made from wholesome ingredients. Dip them in the chocolate of your choice, and don’t even turn the oven on. The only surprise addition is whatever you choose to hide on the inside!

Yield: 16 Cake Pops

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Total Time: 15 Minutes


2 cups pulverized* rolled oats (in blender or food processor)
½ cup Nate’s 100% Pure Honey
½ cup favorite nut butter
¼ tsp salt
2 dozen chocolate hearts or other favorite valentine candy
1 cup chocolate chips
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
Also: Sprinkles and 16 cake pop sticks

*Should be almost as powdery as flour when pulverized.

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Combine oats, honey, nut butter and salt. Divide and roll into 16 balls, placing a surprise candy in the center of each ball.

Melt the chocolate with the oil in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds, until chocolate chips become shiny and lose their shape. (Be careful not to burn the chocolate!)

Dip each ball into the chocolate to coat evenly. Add sprinkles before chocolate sets. Place a stick at an angle, being careful to avoid the candy surprise inside.

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