Honey Mocktails for Every Mood

Three glasses of citrus slushie with straws and orange slices with Nate's honey being drizzled into one.

Maybe you’re taking part in Sober October. Maybe you’re trying to cut back on weekday libations. Or maybe you’re searching for a fun family drink you can all enjoy together – there’s no “cheers” like a family “cheers,” right? Whatever your reason for mixing up a mocktail these days, have no fear, because these drinks can taste just as good as the real thing. Not only do these honey-sweetened original mocktail recipes taste like they were concocted by a pro mixologist, but they are 100% naturally sweetened and feature good-for-you ingredients like Vitamin C, fresh fruit, green tea and kombucha. Shake it up with these toast-worthy options. Happy hour just got a whole lot sweeter.

Relentless Quality.
Ridiculously Good Taste.
Confidently, the Most Trusted Honey.