Quick Checklist of Pantry Staples for Your Next Sick Day  

A selection of pantry staples including coconut oil, peanut butter and Nate's honey, displayed with fresh leaves.

You’re nursing a cold, but there’s no soup in the house. One kid has a sore throat, but the lozenges have expired. And to make matters even trickier, someone else just used the last tissue in the box. It may feel like the next logical move is dropping some major cash at your local pharmacy, but before you do, you may have more helpful items in your pantry than you think. If not, print our checklist below and take it with you on your next grocery run – you’ll be stocked up and prepared to keep your family feeling tip-top.

  • 100% Pure Honey
    ✓ Tea
    ✓ Soup
    ✓ Crackers
    ✓ Peanut Butter
    ✓ Coconut Water
    ✓ Cough Drops
    ✓ Essential Oils
    ✓ DIY face and body scrubs
    ✓ Fresh herbs

It should come as no surprise that honey is our first choice for a feel-good staple. Mixed with lemon and warm water, it’s an all-natural throat soother and sweet pick-me-up. Our raw and unfiltered honey delivers unprocessed energy without the crash, and honey packets make it easy for everybody to keep their own personal honey stash.

Nature Nate's organic honey bottle next to a cup of tea and fresh leaves on a white background.

To zest up your h2o, keep tea bags on-hand so you can toss together this refreshing Fruit Tea Fizzy. Speaking of hydration, coconut water contains natural electrolytes and can serve up extra potassium when you’re feeling low.

We recommend keeping your favorite store-bought broth in stock, so you can easily whip up this No Recipe Needed Soup with whatever else you have hanging around your fridge. Once you’ve made a batch, freeze the leftovers for the next down day. Another favorite cupboard companion, peanut butter typically lasts a long time and is a clever way to sneak in protein when appetites are low. Spread on toast or your favorite cracker for a minimum effort snack.

Fresh herbs have been known to have healing properties (like mint for nausea and parsley for added Vitamin A and C), but they can wilt quickly. Try chopping them and freezing them in ice cube trays to preserve them for later use. Once frozen, transfer cubes to a freezer bag and pop a few into your soup or cold beverage for a flavor and antioxidant boost.

A jar of honey facial scrub with a spoon, essential oils and wellness supplements nearby.

Aside from nutrition you can eat and drink, wellness includes self-care and plenty of R&R. Our DIY honey facials require less than six ingredients that you likely already store at home. Take advantage of ten minutes of meditation time, turn on your essential oil diffuser, and pretend you’re at the spa without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Relentless Quality.
Ridiculously Good Taste.
Confidently, the Most Trusted Honey.