If you’ve ever read the orange label on our honey bottle or given us a thumbs-up to a recipe video on our Instagram account, then you’ve connected with us (thank you for that!). We know in a world where there are dozens of decisions to make every day, forming lasting connections with our customers matters more than ever before. That’s why it’s important for us to introduce you to a valuable member of our team – our head of marketing. As a true leader for our company, she’s not only responsible for all of our marketing efforts but also guides our brand with passion, dedication, and a whole lot of heart.
Meet Becca, VP of Marketing for Nature Nate’s Honey Co.
Q: How would you describe your role on the Nature Nate’s team?
I love that I get to share the benefits of pure honey with consumers across the country. As VP of Marketing, I’m responsible for helping Nathan Sheets’ vision for Nature Nate’s come to life. I lead a team of brilliant creatives, strategists, writers, and social media gurus to create the look, feel, and experience of the brand on shelf, at the store, at events, on social media, and beyond. In my role, it’s my greatest privilege to provide my team with the freedom and support to not only do the best work of their careers but also balance their other demanding roles and responsibilities in life.
Q: As a company, we strive to be leaders, whether in honey, on our team, or in our community. How do you see yourself contributing to these high standards?
Serving the brand with excellence is a key priority for our entire marketing department. We are all so deeply passionate about what we do – from creating social media videos for a new recipe to working with our retailers to ensure our customers have a positive experience and much more. But true leadership requires that we also prioritize time to serve our families and communities. Our business was founded to do good, so I aim to lead by example. I take sick time if my child is ill, so I can be fully present for my family. I provide back-up for a team member who needs to care for their mental health. I volunteer with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), one of our partners who does amazing work to provide patient services for breast cancer patients and their families. To me, all of these little acts of service ladder up to the greater good and exemplify what leadership is all about.
Q: The Nature Nate’s family implements a set of core values called the Bee Attitudes. Is there a specific attitude you strive to implement?
Bee passionate. In Colossians 3:23-24, it states, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” It’s so important for me to have passion for the brand and culture I’m part of because it leads to excellent work. As a company, we strive to embrace life with heart and passion, excitedly engaging and energizing our circle of work and influence. I like this Bee Attitude, because it also touches on the fact that our passions and abilities are never for personal glory. When we are passionate, we can create a lasting impact that is bigger than ourselves.
Q: What is something you want people to know about Nature Nate’s that they might not know from just looking at our orange label?
I’d want people to know how much heart goes into every social media post, every advertisement they see on shelf, and every video they see on our website. Not only does our marketing team care so much, but that commitment is felt across every department throughout our company. Every marketing asset we create is super personal to us. Our hope is that when people think of Nature Nate’s, it brings a smiles to their faces knowing there is a dedicated and loving team behind every bottle of pure, delicious honey.