Honey Gives Hope – A Year in Review
A Look Back at 2017
Celebrate with us as we look back on all Nate’s accomplished through Honey Gives Hope in 2017. We are thankful for the sweet friendships and life-changing partnerships we have made along the way. Click here to watch!
So when you reach for that bottle of raw honey with the bright orange label, know that you made a big difference.
Together We Have Supported
- Mothers in need by raising $50,000 donated to ten women’s shelters across the country
- Families suffering from hunger across the United States with 120 volunteer hours at the Samaritan Inn
- 5,000 bottles of honey donated to food pantries across the US
- Cancer patients just starting their journey by assembling 100 Hope Kits
- Platinum Sponsor through the National Breast Cancer Foundation
- Helping bring education to third world countries through Seed Effect and Empower One
- Supported Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief efforts
In addition, we’ve partnered with many other organizations: Deer Run Camp & Retreats, Boy Scouts of America, Lifesong for Orphans, Overseas Council, and East-West Ministries
While we are humbled and thankful for the ability to give back to the community, for the choices you made in your trust in us, thank you!
Visit www.honeygiveshope.com for more information.