
Homemade Rice Crispy Treats

Ooey-gooey and oh-so-sweet, these Homemade Rice Crispy Treats made with natural ingredients will make you want to ditch the store-bought squares and indulge in this better-for-you treat. Oh, and did we mention YOU get to decide how big of a piece to cut? #winning

Yield 15 Bars
Prep Time 10 Minutes
Total Time 40 Minutes

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In a food processor, combine pitted dates and honey, and puree until completely smooth. In a medium saucepan, melt the vanilla extract and coconut oil on medium heat, then add the whipped date and honey mixture.

Place the rice cereal in a large, heat-proof mixing bowl. Pour the date and honey mixture over the cereal, and stir using a spatula until completely coated and combined.

Pour the mixture into a greased 9 x 13-inch baking dish. With a spatula, gently press the mixture down until it’s even and flat. Place the baking dish in the refrigerator to cool for 30 minutes. Once chilled, flip the pan over onto to a cutting board, and cut into 3-inch squares. Serve cool.

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