Spring weather can be a bit unpredictable – sunny, warm days followed by gloomy, rainy days. So we’ve got you covered for kid-approved activities that are suited for both indoor and outdoor springtime fun!
These three printables are inspired by nature and will get your kiddos learning about the wonders of the outdoors. From building an outdoor scavenger hunt to coloring different parts of a bee, these activities will keep the kids entertained on both sunny and drizzly days. And they will learn about the world around them too!
This scavenger hunt worksheet is a great way to inspire some outdoor fun. Try searching for a ladybug and finding different shaped rocks. Or identify different birds and create a bouquet of flowers.
We’ve started you off with a few ideas, and left blank spaces for you to fill in the scavenger hunt wheel with your own ideas too. You can even create multiple scavenger hunts for different places you visit: one for the backyard, one for the park and one for the arboretum, or wherever else you frequently enjoy spring.
Meet this adorable little bee friend who is ready to be given some color. Grab some markers, colored pencils or crayons and follow the color by numbers. You can even try beeswax crayons and talk about how the bees helped make them.
Channel your inner artist and have fun coloring in a new bee friend. Try to identify six different parts of a bee. Can you find its antennae, eyes, wings, thorax, abdomen, stinger and legs?
Don’t forget about its honey and flower pal! Bees collect nectar from different flowers in order to make honey. In fact, the flavor and color of honey depend on which type of flower the bee visits. What type of flower will you color?
With this beekeeper printout, you can learn what being a beekeeper entails. Cut out his suit and dress him up, so he doesn’t get stung! You can glue your beekeeper to a craft stick and turn him into a puppet. Or, glue your beekeeper onto a sheet of paper and draw a colorful scene around him full of bees and flowers.
This printout also contains important questions about deciding to become a beekeeper. Did you know that some beekeepers take their hives to warmer climates throughout the year? Or that it’s very important to have beekeepers who care for their bees and keep them healthy? Could you become a beekeeper?
With these 3 printable activities, you can keep your little ones engaged rain or shine. Help build the kids’ curiosity about nature and cultivate the imaginations of your little explorers!