Do you ever feel like your job is more than just a job? That what you do matters far beyond a paycheck or position? Do you want what you do to make a difference? At Nate’s Honey Co., we are passionate about taking the gifts and talents God has given us and using them to better the people and communities around us. We see this exercised throughout our company and are excited to introduce you to someone who embodies this pursuit.
Meet Laudi. An Area Sales Manager for Nate’s Honey Co.
Q: How would you describe your role on the Nate’s team?
I have the privilege of managing sales for Nate’s all along the East coast, as well as online on Amazon. I work directly with retailers to ensure that our 100% pure honey has a strong presence in stores and meets the needs of our beloved customers. If someone desires to see our honey on their store shelf, it is my job to help get it there. I also lead our data collection, so we have insight into honey sales across the country and can identify consumer and regional trends.
Q: As a company, we strive to be leaders in educating consumers on why choosing raw and unfiltered honey over processed sugar is important as well as setting the highest quality standards in our field. What strides do you see us making to ensure both of these goals are met?
At Nate’s, we’re educating our consumer in a way that you don’t really see with any other honey brand doing. People want natural food that they can feel good about consuming and sharing with their friends and family. People want a product they can trust, and our rigorous quality standards go beyond what is required to provide that next level of confidence people are looking for.
Every year we see people choosing to switch from processed honey to Nate’s 100% pure, raw & unfiltered honey. We see it in the data as well as in the dialogue. As the category leader, I am proud of the high bar Nate’s has set to provide every household with the highest quality honey possible.
Q: The Nate’s family implements a set of core values called the Bee Attitudes. Is there a specific attitude you strive to implement?
I actually have two. The first is Bee-Generous. I am passionate about helping others grow and develop in their role at this company. We added two new members to the sales team this year, and it excites me that I have the opportunity to be part of their journey. When I joined the Nate’s family, I had several people pour into my life as the new sales guy, so I have a strong commitment to pay it forward as we grow as a team.
The second is Bee-Passionate. Having passion in what you do makes the difference between something feeling like a chore and something that drives you toward a goal. You have to believe in what you are selling. You have to have passion in your product, because your teammates, consumers and even retailers can tell when you don’t. Luckily for me, having passion for this company and product is easy.
Q: What is something you want people to know about Nate’s that they might not know from just looking at our orange label?
The people. This team feels like a family working together toward one goal: to bring the highest quality honey to your table. The amount of care and precision that goes into each bottle is truly phenomenal. We don’t work in a corporate office downtown. A majority of us work on a farm in a big house surrounded by bees, donkeys and cows. We take pride in our work and love taking care of each other along the way. We are more than just a honey company, and I am incredibly proud of that.