Before Bunnies, Baskets & Brunch
Nathan Sheets, Chief Steward of Nate’s Honey Co., on what Easter means to him.
As we gather recipes for our Easter lunches, prepare our eggs for dying and hiding and finalize our plans for family-togetherness, our Nate’s family set aside time this week to celebrate Easter and reflect on what the holiday means to us both as individuals and as a company. As we head into the Easter weekend, we’d love to share that reflection with you.
Remembering What Easter Is Truly About
As a father of four and an entrepreneur, it’s a challenge to maintain consistent traditions every year due to a perpetually changing schedule, and this year has brought its own unique challenges as the world faces COVID-19. But when our kids were younger, my wife Patty would purchase a token-filled carton of eggs. Each egg contained a small token that represented an aspect of the story of the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Christ.
Patty and I would piece the story together with our kids, sitting down with them and helping them understand the importance of what Easter is as believers in Christ and how everything we believe is built upon this period in time.
Now, as our kids have grown older, the tokens are a memory, but the meaning of Easter is still alive in our hearts.
The Cornerstone of Faith
Like many Christians who celebrate Easter across the world, I view this holiday as the cornerstone of Christianity and my personal faith. Without Easter, there is no purpose; there is no motivation for the things that drive the way I try to live my life.
What drives me is submitting to God and striving to be closer to Jesus each day. It will never be a flawless path. Faith is recognizing that I’m never called to live a perfect life – I’m called to live a life of submission. On a daily basis, I try to surrender to the Lord and allow Him to show me the things He wants me to be a part of. And so the cornerstone of Easter, from a faith perspective, is why I try to surrender myself, die to myself on a daily basis and discover those things that God has for me.
Living a life of faith also means learning from your mistakes, teaching others through your failures and striving to be a little better each day. On the front of my desk, there’s a saying that reads: Every failure is one step closer to success. The reality is I am never going to be like Jesus, but I strive to be like Jesus. Hopefully, I am a little bit more like him today than I was yesterday, and being transparent and authentic in my life struggles will allow people to see the forgiveness, strength and hope that Jesus gave to us by dying on the cross.
The Gift of Easter
This Easter season, I encourage everyone to investigate who Jesus is and to find out why it’s important that we celebrate this holiday. Heaven is offered to every single one of us as a free gift through Christ, and we simply have to receive it and then let it be a part of us every day.
From me and all of us at Nate’s Honey Co., we wish you and your family a very blessed Easter.