“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
Honest: def: sincere, truthful, genuine, forthright in speech and conduct
At Nate’s Honey Co., demonstrating honesty through our words and actions is foundational to us as a family and organization. We desire to be known as people with unwavering integrity. It’s a cornerstone value within our Bee Attitudes as well as a catalyst for how we develop trust between our customers and our community. Simply put, honesty is a big deal to us, because it’s a big deal to you.
Here are three ways we strive to live this out:
Within our team
Nate’s is a tight knit family that believes in the value of living an honest to goodness lifestyle. When Scripture refers to speaking and thinking in a way that honors the Lord, we want to live that out before Him and each other. From the men and women filling orders in the plant, to our finance, innovation and sales teams, we strive to be a family where honesty breeds trust and trust breeds unity.
Within our community
From Hope Kits for the National Breast Cancer Foundation to serving at local food banks and women’s shelters, we believe that serving with honest hands and pure motives can truly bless others. We’re honored to make an honest difference both with monetary and product donations, and we share the many blessings that we’ve been given by working to support families and helping communities across the U.S. and beyond. This is why Honey Gives Hope is so important to us. It’s a philosophy that we actively put into practice and a way of giving back that is as pure as our honey.
Within our bottle
Nate’s is one of the only honey companies in the U.S. with a purity guarantee. This means our honey is 100% pure in every bottle. Through our comprehensive internal and third-party testing measures, we are able to ensure with confidence the best honey ends up in your bottle. As Nature Nate always says, “I am only willing to put products on your family’s table that I’d be proud to put on my own family’s table.”
Our hope is that what you pick up that bright orange bottle, you are encouraged and inspired by a company that truly strives to live out their mission, honest to goodness.